Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chicken with Panko-Garlic-Parmesan Crust, Carrot Orzo, Peppery Parmesan Crisps and a Salad

Parmesan was the theme. Haha.

My 6 year old son helped with the parmesan crisps. For a version he could do, I pulled out a muffin pan and sprayed it with nonstick spray. I gave him grated parmesan and a spoon. A teaspoon went into each tin and then he used the peppergrinder to dust a little pepper on. He then used to other side of the pepper grinder to flatten the mixture. Those were baked at 350 for about 6-8 minutes. Done.

My carrot orzo I got from here. It was a huge hit. Thanks Joe!

The chicken recipe I got from here but subbed tenders for breasts and panko for breadcrumbs.

Then Chad mixed together a nice balsamic vinegar dressing and every was happy. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! Nice menu... I'm glad the orzo worked out for you guys!
